William Lane Bible

William Lane Bible

Bible with leather cover, 924 pages, printed in Lunenburg, Mass. and published and sold by Edmund Cushing 1831, and belonged to a William Lane. 

Object number: 1988.1.1 Dimensions: 10 3/4” x 8 5/8” 

Estimated age: 1831

A very generous Lane descendant from Texas visited the house in 1988 and gave us a Mr. William Lane’s Bible. 

A William Lane in Wake County married Martha Pasteur on 31 July 1793 at Green Hill near Halifax. 

Joel Lane’s third son William was born Oct.15,1768 and died March 5, 1848. 

We don’t know if these three Williams are the same man. The William who owned the Bible is said to have married Winnefred Ingram (b. March 2, 1783, d. July 6, 1850). The descendant said the Bible dates from 1831.

It went to a conservator in 1989 to be resewn and rebacked. In it are four handwritten pages with listings of births, marriages, and deaths. Because of the thinness of the paper and the use of quills for writing, the words on the back of the pages often show through making reading even more difficult.

Please see this page for more information on the entries, or go to History → Joel Lane → William Lane Bible Entries.