History: Joel Lane
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Colonel Joel Lane
Overview Colonel Joel Lane is considered a founding father of both Wake County and Raleigh. Lane introduced the legislation to found Wake County in 1771, which was passed by the British-run Colonial Assembly. In 1792, Lane sold 1,000…
Joel Lane’s Ancestry We are still working to verify the information on this page. If you have any records that verify or disprove this information, please use the contact button on the upper right of the site and let us know. Use this…
Joel Lane’s descendants today are scattered across the United States. Many have visited their ancestral home to research their origins. We invite you to join so many who have come before. We are also interested in adding to our…
Joel Lane’s Will
Joel Lane died on March 29, 1795, and his wife Mary passed only five days later. There are no records to indicate what caused their deaths, though the proximity of their death dates suggests it may have been a contagious illness.…
Estate Inventory of 1795
Transcription of the Inventory of the Estate of Joel Lane, Esq. Dec’d [Spelling as in the original]32 Negroes named as follows (to wit) Austin, Peter, Affie, Clancey, Jimboy, Jeffrey, Cloe, Virgil, Winter, Rose, Sam, Phile, Salley,…
Estate Sales of 1795
Original Transcription of Sale:JOEL LANE'S INVENTORY An intimate glimpse into the everyday life of the Lane family is afforded through reading the inventory of Joel Lane's family belongings. "Account of Joel Lane,…
Indenture Bond signed by Joel Lane
Here is a transcript of an indenture bond signed by Joel Lane in 1784 on behalf of an orphan named William Tate discovered by our Education Chairman in the vaults in the State Archives in Raleigh: State of North Carolina Wake County This…
Apprentice Bond Signed by Joel Lane
North Carolina Wake County This Indenture made the 7th day of Sep in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Ninety between Joel Lane Esquire Chairman and presiding Justice of our said Court in behalf of himself as well as…
William Lane’s Bible Entries
A very generous Lane descendant from Texas visited the house in 1988 and gave us a William Lane’s Bible. A William Lane in Wake County married Martha Pasteur on 31 July 1793 at Green Hill near Halifax. Joel’s third son William was…