General Note for Unavailable Tour Days in Mar 2025 Read More
Mar 2025 - Dates with no public tours:
Friday, March 21st - No public tour at 10am
Wednesday, March 26th - No public tour at 10am tour
The inventory of enslaved humans and items of the Lane house in 1795 is as follows, broken up into a more readable format. For the original transcription, please see the bottom of this page.
32 enslaved individuals, including:
Austin, Peter, Affie, Clancey, Jimboy, Jeffrey, Cloe, Virgil, Winter, Rose, Sam, Phile, Salley, Naney, Frederick, Moses, Kissey, David, Briton, Judy, Ben, Silvey, Bukey, Will, Old Ned, Old Rose, Vilet, Hasty, Young Ned, Archer, Cate, and Suckey
A number of animals and animal-related products:
Blacksmithing and Woodcutting Tools:
Smaller Furniture & Household Goods:
Tableware/Small Kitchen Utensils:
Pots & Pans, Cooking& Kitchen Equipment:
Spinning & Weaving Equipment:
Hand Irons
Transcription of the Inventory of the Estate of Joel Lane, Esq. Dec’d [Spelling as in the original]
32 Negroes named as follows (to wit) Austin, Peter, Affie, Clancey, Jimboy, Jeffrey, Cloe, Virgil, Winter, Rose, Sam, Phile, Salley, Naney, Frederick, Moses, Kissey, David, Briton, Judy, Ben, Silvey, Bukey, Will, Old Ned, Old Rose, Vilet, Hasty, Young Ned, Archer, Cate & Suckey—6 head of horse, 13 cows & calves, 25 head of our Cattle, 35 head of Sheep, 50 head of hoggs on the Plantation, 9 Beds & Furniture, 10 Bedsteads and Cords, 2 small Beds and Steds, 2 Walnut Desks, 6 Walnut Chairs, 2 large walnut Tables, 1 small table, 1 small dressing table, 18 Winsor chairs, 1 walnut candlestand, a Quantity of Earthen & Chiney ware, suitable for a Bofatt & 1 Large Looking glass, 2 small look glass, 3 large trunks, 2 small trunks, 6 brass candlesticks, 2 iron candlesticks, 6 pr. Snuffers, a large Bell mettal Tea Kittle, 3 small kittle, 1 brass kittle, 1 coffee mill, 4 pewter basons, 3 pewter diskes, 22 pewter plates and spoons and a small quantity of old pewter, 4 flat irons, 7 iron potts, 3 dutch ovens, 1 iron skillet, 1 grid iron, 2 frying pans, 1 iron Jack, 3 iron pott racks, 3 iron potthooks, 3 tin coffe potts, 1 brass coffee pot, 1 pr sheep shaves, 7 small pine tables, 2 large pine chests, a parcel of barrels stands etc., chafing dish, 12 barrel soap, 1 spice mortar, 3 churns, 12 butter potts, 2 jugs, 1 old hand saw, 1 whip saw, 1 water can, 3 ladies saddles, 2 mens saddles, 1 quart & gill Pott, 1 loom and warping bars, 4 pr harnesses, 11 sleys, 4 cotton wheels, 6 linen wheels, 1 hackle, 1 trivett, 1 lanthurn, 2 funnels, 3 tubs, 2 pails, a bakering hoe, 5 piggins, 2 trays, 2 sifters, 1 [ ], 1 Real & Warping bars, 1 cradle, 3 [powering] tubs, 6 bee hives, 1 pr. Stilliards, 1 yoke of oxen & cart, 1 old riding chair & harness 1 pr. Bellows, 1 anvill 1 vice 2 small hammers, 1 [ ] iron, 2 pr. Smiths tongs, 2 grind stones, 3 old cases, 1 tin sugar box, 3 cases bottles, a small quantity of glass, wax, 2 brushes, 3 pr. Tongs, 1 pr. Shears and shovel, 1 pr. Spoon molds, 12 silver tea spoons, 1 silver punch ladle, 2 pr. Silver sugar tongs, 1 comb, 1 buckle brush, 4 cases knives and forks, 1 pr saddle baggs, 2 umberalass, small [ ] book, one knife box, one honey jarr, one safe, 1 pr Horse [phlems] 1 pewter ink holder, 1 pr Hand irons, 1 tea canister, 1 caster, 1 water pitcher, 3 dozen candles, 4 chamber potts, a parcel of leather the quantity not known it being in Tan, 9 bed hides, 5 lb loaf sugar, 4 old bridles, 3 large pine tables, 2 rasors, judgements, bonds, and open accounts to the amount of _____________
Henry Lane. Esq.
Wake County, June Term, 1795
The within inventory was duly proven in Open Court and ordered to be recorded.
H. Lane C. C.
Recorded in the Clerks Office in the County of Wake in Book D and page 138 this 9th day of June 1797. H. Lane, C.C.