General Note for Unavailable Tour Days in Mar 2025 Read More
Mar 2025 - Dates with no public tours:
Friday, March 21st - No public tour at 10am
Wednesday, March 26th - No public tour at 10am tour
A very generous Lane descendant from Texas visited the house in 1988 and gave us a William Lane’s Bible.
A William Lane in Wake County married Martha Pasteur on 31 July 1793 at Green Hill near Halifax.
Joel Lane’s third son William Lane was born October 15,1768 and died March 5, 1848.
We don’t know if these three Williams are the same man. The William who owned the Bible is said to have married Winnefred Ingram (b. March 2, 1783, d. July 6, 1850). The descendant said the Bible dates from 1831.
It went to a conservator in 1989 to be resewn and rebacked. In it are four handwritten pages with listings of births, marriages, and deaths. Because of the thinness of the paper and the use of quills for writing, the words on the back of the pages often show through making reading even more difficult. Some of the writing has faded to illegibility. More photos are posted below the transcript.
Page 1 Births
[First column] James W Lane was borned the 10 of March 1821 Samuel C. Lane was Born 27th July 1808 Thomas C. Lane was born the 15th September 1818 William D Coates was born April 2d 1817 Winnifred Lane daughter of Wm Ingram was born 2d day of March 1783 Margret Williams was born Feb the 18 1848
[Second column] Mary Lane was borned the 9th of April 17(?)96 Phebe E Lane was born the 26th of March 1823 James C Lane was born November 2d 1844 William B Powell was was born the 18 of November 1819 Scratched out: William M. Lane was Borned the 5 of March 1805 Emiline H Lane was born 18 ? 1818 Winnifred Mary S. Williams 1832
Page 2 Births
[First column] John L. Smith was born 9 of August 1831 Joel R. Lane was born June 20 1841 William S. Lane born 30 October 1840 John James Lane was born February the 19th 1847 Robert C. Lane was born the 8th of Aprile 1830 John T. Lane was born the 19 of Dec the 1827 William D Coates was born April 2d 1817 Winnifred Williams was born Sept 12 1843 ____________ 25 June 1830
[Second column] E _______________ was born the ___ Sept 1844 John T Lane was born the 19th of December the 1827 William M Lane was borned 5 the March 1805 William M Lane was borned February 1844 Winiford Williams was Born Sept 12 the 1843 _______________ 25 June 1830
Page 3 Marriages
[First column] Nancy Lane was married on the 6 October in the year of our Lord 1842 James W Lane & Phebe Stanfield was married the 18th of June 1844 Thomas E Lane and Mary Azelea Humphreys was married [illegible]
[Second column] Elizes Powell was married on the 13th of Dec. 1842 F A Polk and Emiline [Lane] Hancock was married July the 9th 1862
Page 4 Deaths
[First column] James W Lane departed August the 17 1845 John T Lane departed this life 29th day of June 1826 (or 06) William M Lane died on the 20 (?) of December in the year of our Lord 1845 Franny B. Canton Departed this life March 16, 1876 E W Polk died on the 19 of May 1894 (6?) C I Lane died the 5 of Sep 1892
[Second column] W T Peay died the 16 of November 1886 Wm Lane